Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss


The example which am gonna give might be really jocular.

Scene 1:
The Electrical Lab - Final Exam

Mr. X (of course some nervous student) was waiting for his turn to pick up his lot. The lot which he took was he most difficult one ( by Murphy's Law; what is supposedly not to happen will happen. No one will be spared.) X finishes the circuit diagram asap and shows for verification to a staff.

The staff as usual says "What the hell is this? everything is wrong. Go and change the circuit"

Mr. X is stunned and trots back wondering what possibly could go wrong. He makes a correction and again approaches her. This time he really pisses off the lady.

Again he returns dejected. This happens for five times and this guy thought he is history and finally gives up hope. He draws the original circuit back and shows and this time the lady says right. X now becomes an epitome of anger. Sadly this guy bore all the brunt. (There are some teachers who really would like to be sadistic. Is that ignorance or tyrannacy?? God save us.)

Scene 2:

The most difficult part - Circuit Connection

Mr.X races against time to make up for the lost time created by this IGNORANT lady (Let me call the IGNORANT LADY AS Ms.A) He furiously works hard and finally asks the A to check it up. A swiftly comes and says the load has to be in serial connection. X is flustered. If its given that way then its gonna be Chernobyl after turning on the switch. X argues about that but silenced by A.

He was given a direct order to obey her. Poorly Mr.X obliges to it. On hearing this commotion Ms.Z rushes in and examines my circuit. She now starts like an alarm of what the bloody hell am doing. She screamed at the top of her voice "You people have been doing this lab for an year and can't even know this basic idea of not to give the loads in parallel. Do you think you can blow up the lab and escape out".

X has enough and scans for A to vent out his anger and again shouts back " Ms. A only told it has to be given in this fashion. If you want to argue then do it with her. Why harass students like us?"

Z was dumbfounded and thankfully she cross verifies with A. She realizes the mistake at her end and gives the green to X with a broad smile.

Some respite to X and at last due to timely intervention Mr.X is once again saved. before leaving the lab X thanks A with a wry smile and A starts to fume.

This is a real incident and this explains how pathetic a staff can go.


fallen angel said...

he he..nice one da...pissix lab a??

Unknown said...
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Ash D said...

hmmm I never got to do my exp in the final lab test cos I forgot to draw an arrow mark in the diagram u know??

Ash D said...

hopeless lab n hopeless staff is all i can say.

barbi bharadwaj said...

phew! startin off with electrical lab??? by murphy's law..

anyway, welcome to the blogosphere...

Einsteins Donkey said...

hmmm... starting off with a spark:P????

Chandrashekar Anand said...

hanitha va paatha bayandha poitungala?? neenge anniyan la vara ambi maari...

Uttara Ananthakrishnan said...

heh heh ...u want more examples...read the adventures out there in ym blog...and hey, srivatsan's (my batch) blog is full of the adventures of pathetic teachers...